Advanced B2B Client Retention Tactics

Are you prioritizing a client retention strategy for business…

Shifting Customer Engagement Strategies for The Era of Results-Led Growth

Are you ready for the “Era of Results-Led Growth”? This is a…

Customer Engagement Strategies for Navigating Economic Uncertainty

Is your customer engagement team effectively navigating the…

6 Ways for Customer Engagement Teams to Build Trust with Clients

Ninety-nine percent of surveyed business leaders say trust is…

Resist the Cutback Temptation: The Perils of Reducing a Customer Engagement Team

Are you considering layoffs due to unpredictable markets and…

Post-Sales Enablement: Giving Account Managers Tools to Excel

Is your company doing more with less? This puts account…

Invest in Key Account Management Software, Not Your CRM

The tools you choose to utilize will make or break your success.…

5 Things to Look for in a Strategic Account Planning Software

Relationships are at the core of every account. But it takes…

How CRM Integration Is Changing the Strategic Account Planning Process

Fragmented processes can cost your organization a lot of money…

Your Key Account Management Tech Stack (and Tech Hacks)

There are 3 pillars to building a truly customer-centric Key…

Your CRM is Not Enough: Why Companies are Using Dedicated KAM Software to Build Customer Engagement

In our line of work, we talk to all kinds of people, from all…

CRM and Kapta: Making the Most of Both Platforms

Many of our customers use Salesforce and/or other CRM tools for…

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