
Senior Engagement Manager at Kapta
Jennifer is a Senior Engagement Manager at Kapta

Assembling a Stellar Account Management Team

Are you consistently helping your top customers achieve…

How Emotional Intelligence Boosts Key Account Management Success

Do your account managers have the soft skills to succeed?

Salesforce is Not Suited for Account Management

Are you forcing your account managers to use pre-sale tools to…

How Tech-Enabled Customer Engagement Teams Boost Retention

Are you relying too heavily on cost-cutting to boost earnings…

Customer Engagement Strategies for Navigating Economic Uncertainty

Is your customer engagement team effectively navigating the…

Post-Sales Enablement: Giving Account Managers Tools to Excel

Is your company doing more with less? This puts account…

Your Perfect Key Account Management Solution: Build versus Buy

67% of businesses are prioritizing customer retention over new…

Key Account Managers: How to Identify Cross-Sell and Upsell Opportunities

Looking to hit your business growth goals this year? As…

Is Your QBR Dead?

Is your quarterly business review (QBR) dead?

Effective Customer Offboarding for Continued Advocacy and Opportunity

Have you established a customer offboarding process?

Leveraging Peer Learning to Boost Engagement, Outcomes, and Retention

Retention has become increasingly important. Current economic…

A Roadmap for Key Account Management (KAM) Excellence

Do you have a roadmap for Key Account Management excellence?…

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