Simple steps to Solutions

Your goal is to grow your revenue faster. We can get you there with easy habits that can be picked up quickly.  Let the software find your blind spots and fill in the blanks.

Bridge the Gap with the KAM Maturity Model

The KAM maturity model will help you understand where you currently stand, and what you need to do to reach your goals.

Non-Existent Processes Lead to Lost Opportunities


When your team is constantly scrambling to develop action plans for your clients, communication fails, frustration takes hold, and customers churn. It’s time for your team to make a decision to change the status quo.

What is Customer Churn & What Does It Mean for Your Company

Internally-Focused Silos Put Customers at Risk


By failing to put your customers first and focusing solely on your internal team, clients feel neglected. Your processes are still disjointed, communication is a common problem, and nothing is consistent.

Investment into a dedicated infrastructure for your account and key account managers is a must.

Is Your Customer at Risk of Churn 5 Ways to Find Out

Repeatable Processes Bring Scalable Change


By implementing repeatable processes, not only is your team more organized, but it makes it easier to catch new members up to speed. However, plans still often lack actionable focus, which is wasted time for your clients.

Here is where your team understands that being completely customer-centric is a true competitive advantage.


Being Customer-Centric Benefits Your Organization


Putting your clients first gives your team a new outlook on their role. Your teams are more cross-functional and are able to act proactively rather than reactively. And trust us, your clients notice.

Account and key account managers schedule meetings on a cadence, complete voice of customer interviews with clients, and internal teams between clients and your organization collaborate with each other.

To reach incredible results however, you need to be willing to put the customer at the center of everything you do.

Setting the Foundation for Your Customer Strategy with a SWOT Analysis (1)

A Living and Breathing Customer-Centric Organization


When your customer is the focus of everything you do and every decision your organization makes, a whole new world of account management is unlocked.

In this stage, processes are dynamic, constantly improved, and placed throughout the entire customer journey. Internal and external communication is cohesive and both you and your clients are winning. This is the world Kapta works to make a reality for you and your team.


Where do you fall on the Maturity Model?

How Do You Make These Changes?

Through the power of our KAM Process™, you can reach the promised land of organized, proactive, and revenue-generating account management. We break this into a three-step approach:


Know Your Customer

Identify who your key accounts are by assessing risk and upsell potential.

Act Purposefully

Execute account planning initiatives for those key clients to develop strong relationships and achieve strategic growth.

Measure Success

Measure and report data to show results and prove your worth so you become an indispensable partner to your customers.

Are you a solo account manager looking for a platform? While our KAM platform is reserved for organizations as a whole, our KAMGenius platform offers a community for driven, individual account managers to learn best practices from top managers in the industry.

Check out our KAMGenius Subscription